Friday, May 7, 2010


  1. Newsprint Sketch Book (18 x 24)
    Large recycled paper is ideal for studies (we're not creating master art, we're learning and practicing. Let's be conscious of the environment while we're at it). Force yourself to draw each study, covering the length or width of the paper. It trains you to use your arm in creating lines and breaks you from the habit of using your wrist.

  2. China Markers/ Grease Pencils
    The implement (the grease pencil) is smooth and easy to work with
    *NO ERASERS ( Erasing takes up too much time and keeps you from experiencing a complete education. We learn from our mistakes. Study them so that we can avoid them in future projects. We're not creating Master Art, we're learning and practicing)

  3. Sketch Board
    The sketch board is priceless in physically supporting your art when you at an upright tilted angle on your lap. Sketching from the ground or table is a poor idea that will warp your work/ study because of perspective.

  4. A Small Cardboard Box
    (size can vary from tissue box, cereal box to a fed ex box)

  5. A Tube
    (can use the inside of a paper towel or toilet paper roll)

  6. 2 Chairs
    (One chair to sit on. The other chair, facing you is used to partially prop your sketch board)

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