Friday, May 7, 2010


In the attempt to break us of our habit of drawing with our wrists, Jane Wu had us repeating simple shapes on the paper in long smooth strokes with the grease pencil. We were to practice different amounts of pressure to apply to the paper as well as varying speeds and sizes covering the entire sheet of paper.

Our first shape: Circles
It took me a few tries to break the habit of drawing with my wrist. I had to imagine that I had a brace on and was forced to draw the my entire arm. It worked my shoulders.
Smooth perfect circles are tough. Without paying attention, the easily became ovals.
*The secret is to mime the motion of a circle a few times above the paper before actually making contact with the grease pencil to the newsprint,

Our second shape: Squares
The task was to practice long smooth strokes. We were asked to let the lines overlap each other in the corners so that we may discover a "follow through" through stroke.

Our third shape: Triangles
Again, we were encouraged to draw through the corners with overlapping lines.
The challenge in this exercise was to be able to balance drawing two angles and sides that matched each other to form an isosceles or equilateral triangle.

EVERYTHING in figure drawing consists of circles, squares or triangles. They are the essential, basic building blocks of art: BASIC SHAPES

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